[filename.info logo]
[cn admin.dll][de admin.dll][es admin.dll][fr admin.dll][gb admin.dll][it admin.dll][jp admin.dll][kr admin.dll][nl admin.dll][pt admin.dll][ru admin.dll][us admin.dll]

admin.dll (

Contained in software

Name:Windows XP Home Edition, Deutsch
Information link:http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/

File details

Filepath:C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache \ admin.dll
Filedate:2002-05-14 12:09:28
Filesize:20.540 bytes

Checksum and file hashes

MD5:F563 3408 9E09 174B B477 D9BF 4690 801B
SHA1:5B62 ED26 5589 57A0 A5FD 97D6 8DC4 CB76 3EB9 2631

Version resource information

CompanyName:Microsoft Corporation
FileDescription:Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions
FileOS:32-bit Windows
FileType:Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
LegalCopyright:Copyright © 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved.
ProductName:Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000

admin.dll was found in the following malware reports:


Technical details
...Using the Unicode Web Traversal exploit, the worm copies itself to the Web server as admin.dll via TFTP. Infected machines create a...
...TCP 69 (TFTP): Opens port 69/udp for the TFTP transfer of admin.dll for the IIS infection. As part of this protocol,...
Removal instructions
...W32.Nimda.A@mm (dll), choose Delete. Restore Admin.dll and Riched20.dll from a backup, or from the Microsoft Windows or Office .cab files...
Source: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.nimda.a@mm.html

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